Conversations with Loulou

Conversations with Loulou

إشتراكات البودكاست

Loulou Khazen Baz, an entrepreneur and investor based in Dubai draws on her professional and personal experiences over her two-decade career to discuss business, leadership, startups and transformation with a Middle Eastern lens. Every two weeks, Loulou invites business leaders and friends to discuss what makes them unique leaders, industry trends, challenges and overall landscape and current relevant events. The discussions vary in length, are candid, insightful and inspirational. All interviews have also been recorded on video and can be viewed on YouTube on our "conversations with loulou" channel.

تاريخ أول حلقة:
2 مارس, 2020
نوع البودكاست:



عجبهم البودكاست 😍


دول حول العالم 🌎
  1. Margreet Magdy Anwar

    Love and respect
    I came accidentally the podcast in 2023 through a recommendation from a friend and I fell in love with Loulou and with the podcast! I absolutely love how humble and genuine and human it is.
    Very inspirational guests and I do genuinely learn a lot!!

  2. Hzoubi

    Creative podcast and amazing host
    The first quality of guests and topics are really useful and innovative.

    You provide lots of insights and value and adding blocks to our ecosystem in MENA.

    A must listen to anyone in the VC and PE landscape.

  3. Hippie-soldier

    Trials and triumphs
    a crash course on the trials and tribulations and eventual successes of top tier entrepreneurs, hosted by an inquisitive mind, and set in a cosy atmosphere.

    الولايات المتحدة
  4. RoulaRabbat

    A must-listen podcast
    Gives the audience the opportunity to get to know the entrepreneurs behind the successful stories, lessons learned and who’s who in the VC space

    الولايات المتحدة
  5. shurug AL-bieshi

    Shurug AL-bieshi
    ” لا تصدق كل ماتسمعه .هنآك ثلاث جوانب للقصة .أنت , وهم والحقيقة “ . “Don’t believe everything you hear. There are always three sides to a story . Yours ، theirs and the truth ” .

    المملكة العربية السعودية
  6. Youmna Hobeiks

    Loving these podcasts!
    Overall amazing podcasts by Loulou whose extent of knowledge as well as passion drives very interesting conversations. Needless to say that the speakers featured inspire us to do more and really get us to rethink the things we do. Highly recommend listening to Loulou’s podcasts

    الإمارات العربية المتحدة
  7. Farah.Moghrabi

    Highly enjoyable and inspiring podcast
    Thanks Loulou for the highly enjoyable and inspiring podcast, and wohooo the great guests your hosting 👌I am really enjoying it and sharing it with my friends 🎉🎉

  8. Ramzih74

    Dose of inspiration on demand
    Loulou is an entrepreneur who understand the grit and stamina required to drive a successful idea forward into the light. Her well rounded experience living in Dubai and experiencing careers on both sides of the spectrum as an employee and as an employer through her own talent platform is what makes her ask the right questions to a list of Dubai mentors and influencers and business leaders. Her show is a great listen and a much needed dose of positivity and inspiration in an increasingly difficult world.

  9. Brabbikwleh

    A great listen
    One of the more enjoyable and ever improving podcasts out of Dubai. I highly recommend it to anybody curious about businesses and startups in the region

  10. Asmaa Jamil

    Conversation with Chris
    Great session. I enjoyed listening to the vast experience and diverse perspectives.

    الولايات المتحدة
  11. Shahd1988

    Well done
    Nice work

    الولايات المتحدة
  12. rtilani

    Insightful and informative!
    Loulou does a great job at bringing out insights and learnings in her inimitable style! I’ve really enjoyed all the interviews so far and can’t wait for the next one!

    الولايات المتحدة
  13. Supreme gifter

    Great guests, great conversations
    I have greatly enjoyed the early episodes and look forward to new ones. Great guests engaged in good candid conversation.

    الولايات المتحدة
  14. Murhafb

    Great listen with some of the best leaders of the region
    Some great interviews with some of the best leaders in the regions. Loulou does a great job at bringing out experiences

    الولايات المتحدة
  15. Welka01

    A great entrepreneur story to startups with little means
    A very interesting discussion. Elie is an entrepreneur that made all the way from Lebanon and what is interesting is that he insisted in keeping his organization here as he believed in the Lebanese capabilities and wanted to help keeping the talents in the country. A great story to all Lebanese entrepreneurs to learn from .

    الولايات المتحدة