IELTS podcast

IELTS podcast

إشتراكات البودكاست

Ielts preparation podcast بودكاست تحضير للايلتس

تاريخ أول حلقة:
21 أغسطس, 2018
نوع البودكاست:



عجبهم البودكاست 😍


دول حول العالم 🌎
  1. Ma rîam


    الولايات المتحدة
  2. FaFahimJan

    Love it
    I’m crazy about your website and now the episodes 😍 thank you so much ☺️

    الولايات المتحدة
  3. Ry@nc3rb!t0

    One of the best free tutorials in store
    Hi Ben,
    I have been following your free tutorial via podcast maybe for the last 3-4 years. I was really devastated when I flunked my first IELTS test way back 2015. I took my test in the Philippines and got only an overall band score of 6.5. Just this month I had the courage to take again the test having guided by my first experience and a lot of tips and test taking strategies from you. Thanks a lot. I got 7.5 overall band score this time L/R: 8/8, W/S: 7/7. Although I have not purchased a single service from your end, I was still able to benefit from this email notifications. Had I flunked IELTS the second time around, I would have avail of the services you offered. Thanks again and please continue spreading these good deeds. The ripples of your work has really helped me.

    All the best,

  4. 2007 diamonds

    Incredible and amazing advices even though I am still 16 it is called getting prepared
    The people who say it’s boring are not successful
    A wise man once said :
    If you own this story you get to write the ending”

    And I want to be a successful writer or even a doctor when I grow up I want people to ask me more and more knowing that I know more
    I want to have an adventure of languages and cultures and traditions as well
    There are many secrets of life that no one knows I want to discover all today

    المملكة العربية السعودية
  5. KirillVR

    Great material for exam preparation
    I found this podcast a lot more helpful than the others. Very understandable, straight to the point (no adverts), good for students with various English language skills.
    Thanks Ben and team for getting us closer to our dreams!
